How do we find purpose in our regrets?

Regrets have hijacked my thoughts and stolen my sleep. As I lie awake craving more grace, I wonder: Is it possible to make regrets fruitful? What can I learn from these spirals of negative thoughts and anxiety? And how can I overcome them?

What’s so amazing about grace?

When I asked the Bible study group what grace is, they gave me blank stares and silence. If grace is foundational to our faith, we better be able to define it. What is grace and what makes it so amazing?

A Few of my Favorite Things (for Advent)

No one will ever convince me that The Sound of Music is not a Christmas movie. I don’t care if the holiday is never mentioned in the plot or a single song. It doesn’t matter. I grew up watching this movie — all three hours of it! — every year over Christmas break. That and…

Why should I care about theology?

Too many think theology is a dusty term only used or studied by elite academics, but I beg to differ. This is a super important and relevant pursuit and every Christian should get excited about it. Let me tell you why.

Am I prayerful enough?

Recently I ran into a friend I’d not seen in months. We smiled, clasped hands, and progressed with the typical salutations of a chance meeting. When I exclaimed that I had been thinking about her so much lately and praying for her, she grew suddenly serious. “Well, that’s no coincidence.” Um, okay. I kind of brushed…

Are we studying the Bible backwards?

It’s possible some of us (many of us) have a backwards approach to Bible study. We’ve been told forever that the Bible is “an instruction manual for life” but — Is it really? I’m not so sure, and I’d love to hear your thoughts.

5 Things YOU Can Do to Fight Human Trafficking

This summer a certain movie got a lot of buzz. Inspired by true events, the film offered a dramatic presentation of one man’s fight to rescue children from exploitation and sex trafficking. It grossed over $175M in the first three weeks and has continued to top box-office charts, thanks in large part to Evangelicals. Many…

What if I’ve messed up EVERYTHING?

I’ve not been sleeping. For maybe weeks. Months? I don’t even know. What I do know is that I wake up between 1 and 3am just about every morning and lie awake pondering all the mistakes — or possible mistakes — I’ve made with my life. And how those mistakes…

Seven Things I Wish Christians Knew About the Bible

Seven Things I Wish Christians Knew About the Bible Michael F. Bird Paperback, Ebook, Audiobook, 240 pages. Published by Zondervan, June 2021. BUY IT HERE. A lot of Christians “know their Bibles” but don’t necessarily know ABOUT their Bibles. They can recite the books in order, quote passages, and even argue what they believe the…

Who remembers your name?

The Bible doesn’t highlight many women, much less name them. When it does, we should take note. First Samuel starts with the story of Hannah, her infertility, her pain, her struggle to have a child and prove her worth to a world that didn’t value women, especially barren women. In chapter one we see her…

What does Jesus look like?

Halfway through a mother-son road trip to visit friends and colleges, we sat in a church parking lot in South Carolina. Food trucks lined the edges, serving everything from gourmet burgers and mac-and-cheese to fried pickles, something I’d certainly never had before. I tried them and will only say — my mouth was confused.  We…

The Sin of Certainty

The Sin of Certainty: Why God Desires our Trust More than our “Correct” Beliefs Peter Enns Paperback, Ebook, 230 pages. Published by HarperOne, April 2016. Buy it here. Peter Enns has come under fire a few times, even literally being fired from his position at a prestigious seminary. He is a Bible professor, author, speaker,…