Big Word Bible Studies

Do you have questions about God? About the Bible? About what the Church is supposed to be and why maybe it’s not living up to that calling in today’s world? About culture and community?

Yeah, I have questions, too. Big questions. This is a safe place to ask and engage questions. Even the scary ones.

We’ve got four main rooms here.

The first three rooms offer dynamic collections of stand-alone posts. You can click on a question or subject, read through it in a few minutes, and engage or not as time and interest dictate. Have at it. New posts are added to these rooms regularly.

  • Bible 101Where we explore questions ABOUT THE BIBLE.
  • Theology 101Where we explore questions about WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS AND MEANS.
  • Resources: Where you’ll find BOOKS and other resources to dig deeper. Explore other people’s thoughts as they engage good questions.

The last room — Big Word Bible Studies — is more static. These are involved and sequential series that invite deeper dives into Scripture itself.

  • Big Word Bible Studies: Where we have INTERACTIVE STUDY GUIDES that explore select books of the Old Testament (for individual or group use).

What is the Bible?

Too many Christians know too little about the Bible. These posts offer a basic introduction to what it is and what we know about it.

Who wrote it?
How is it organized? 
Why are there so many different kinds?
Where do I begin?

What does the Bible say?

This is where we wrestle questions about theology, doctrine, and common Christian beliefs. Let’s untangle biblical truths from church culture.

What is the Gospel?
How does prayer work?
Is the Bible meant to be read literally?

How do we go deeper?

Okay, so we have the Bible and kinda understand what is says. Now we have to ask how to live and walk in light of it in this world.

Here you’ll find Resources to help you dig deeper.

If we had a Big Word Book Club, these are the books we would read together.

How Big Word Bible Studies Began

Years ago I started Big Word Bible Studies because I had questions no one seemed willing to address. With the Bible in one hand and a notebook in the other, I started exploring those questions in context. Then I invited friends over to join the conversation. Soon we expanded to include an online group as well.

Life happened. Kids grew and demands did, too. Our group disbanded. I moved a lot of my questions to the blog and then to social media. but the original study guides are still here, available for FREE as individual downloads.

Designed for use in small groups or personal study, these Big Word Bible Studies guide you on an inductive expedition through historical books of the Old Testament. 

What to Expect:

Each download offers one week of prompts. The daily prompts generally take 10 minutes or less to complete. They invite you to read specific Scripture passages then engage thought-provoking, open-ended questions. Imagination is encouraged!

You do not need any extra tools or resources. Just you, a group of friends (if you like), a Bible (the app on your phone is sufficient), and the downloads offered FREE through this website.

There are 7–10 weeks in each study, so this could could take you or your group through one season, roughly 2-3 months. 

First and Second Samuel

We all know about David and Goliath, but the book of First Samuel as a topic of holistic study has been grossly neglected at best. At worst: it has been manipulated for egocentric pursuits of “success” and leadership. Can we say “toxic patriarchy?”

In these ancient pages we see God show up and work in the lives of regular people, priests, and kings. We read about face-offs between the Israelites and the Philistines; between David and Goliath (of course); between God and Dagon (one of my favorite stories in Scripture); between Abigail and her idiotic husband; between a guy named Doeg and all the priests and their families. This is exciting stuff! And it’s time we give it due attention.

The books of 1 and 2 Samuel were originally written as one story, but the scroll was too cumbersome, so they broke it into separate books, for the sake of convenience. These books together, however, tell ONE COHESIVE STORY. They tell of the dawn of Israel’s first monarchy, why and how it came to be, and how it went. The good, the bad, the ugly, the utterly confounding.

First and Second Kings

The books of Kings pick up right where 2 Samuel ends. David may have been a “man after God’s own heart” when Samuel anointed him to be king, but he wasn’t always the best role model. By now his family is a mess and it shows. 

Not long after David dies, the kingdom divides: the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom. The ten tribes to the north take the name Israel while the two tribes in the south become the nation of Judah. Let the drama ensue! Both nations had 19 kings each, but their stories took different paths. Judah’s kings all descended from David. They reigned a total of 345 years. Israel’s kings came from 9 dynasties and reigned a total of 210 years.

The big questions are: What do we learn about God through these stories? What do we learn about humanity? What do we learn about power and corruption and righteousness and holiness? What do we learn about ourselves?

One last note about the Bible studies…

You’re getting the original forms of these organic works-in-progress. That includes the written study guides and the companion videos that now hide in dusty corners of YouTube. I’m trusting you to give leeway for evolution, both of thought and conviction. I’m not who I was back in 2012. I have a lot more questions now, and I’m happy to celebrate that growth.